Thursday, November 10, 2005

Are we bucket carriers?

If you read my previous blog posts on this weblog, you'll realize I'm very passionate about family time. I have seen so many people chasing a career and in the process sacrificing the happiness of their children and families.

Initially I guess, I was a bit judgemental (quick to forget my learning curve in this area) and realized later that many of these people really deep down want to spend time with their families. Many (if not most) of them just get so stuck in their current job commitments and the ever increasing demands, that they slowly but surely start compromising their time.

After reading an amazing book, Parable of the Pipeline, I realised most of us are bucket carriers. We don't have a passive income, no pipelines. This way we dread losing our jobs and the boundaries between work and personal live gets compromised along the way.

Recently I started building a pipeline in order to gain true financial freedom where my passive income exceeds my expenses. If you're interested feel free to contact me at lootsd at gmail dot com.This used to be an Amway oppurtunity. I was part of Network 21 / Amway and believed it would help with problems of people spending more time at work and less at home. However, I resigned from Amway a while ago due to various reasons.

By the way, if your money stops when you're not working, you're a bucket carrier. If your money comes in with or without you, you've got a passive income from some sort of a pipeline. When you work, it only increases your pipeline income more.

I used to think that this kind of dream is beyond my reach, beyond most middle-class people's reach. I recently discovered, it is not. Once you set your goals and follow a specific proven system and work hard at it for a while, you may just make it without having to spend huge sums of money.

Tell me what you think.

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